About Us
Rural Housing is an effective small agency. We serve the low income household. Since 1970 we have accomplished many projects to innovate and fill gaps in housing all over Wisconsin. We collaborate with and support local efforts to build on their resources. Our assistance is intentionally flexible so that we can help cover various needs across the State of Wisconsin targeting rural counties.
Our Story
The Foundation for Rural Housing, Inc. was created in 1970 by the Rural Electrical Cooperatives as a statewide non-profit.
Over the years, we have had federal, state, and private funding—enabling us to provide assistance across the state. We have served hundreds of rural communities and non-profit organizations with technical assistance, grant applications and advice. We have assisted thousands of low-income families with information, home repair funds, assistance for rent, to purchase homes or stay in their homes. Millions of dollars have been leveraged for the very low-income, rural residents of Wisconsin.
For those interested in learning more about our history check out this story of our organization from its founding to the 2000s:
Our Mission
Creating, educating and supporting rural low-income households to become self sufficient.